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Setting up birdfeeder defense

Squirrels in particular love to munch on birdseed and they will drive you nuts with their combination of intelligence and persistence, making it nearly impossible to keep them away from your birdfeeder. Luckily, you have Vizy to help you defend your birdfeeder from these unwanted guests.

This guide will describe how to set up a “squirt defense” for your birdfeeder.

Materials you will need Sprinkler valve hook-up wire wire nuts thread adapter nozzle hose Mounting hardware

Hook up

Start by measuring out the length of wire and strip the ends. In one end, attach to pins 2 and 4 of a terminal connector as shown (12V and B0). The polarity of the two wires does not matter.


On the other end of the wire, use wire nuts to twist and attach the sprinkler valve. image_498.jpg

At this point you can test your sprinkler value. It will may a satisfying click when it engages. You can fire up the Birdfeeder app and click on the Defend button to verify.



wiki/setup_birdfeeder_defense.1636213446.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/06 10:44 by vizycam