Table of Contents

User Configuration

Vizy has a simple user-account system that allows the Admin user to create new accounts and set permissions. This is especially useful when your Vizy is configured for Web Sharing – it allows you to create accounts for others that restrict them from changing things like the currently running application, network configuration, etc.

There are three types of accounts:

Default accounts

There are two default accounts that are enabled when you first receive your Vizy.

User dialog

To bring up the User Configuration dialog, select Users from the ☰ icon in the upper right corner (Settings Menu).


From the dialog, you have three choices:


The operation of these is fairly self-explanatory. You will need to input the Admin password of the Admin account that's currently logged in for changes to take effect. This also means that User and Guest accounts can't change their passwords – they need to be changed by an Admin.

Account information

User account information is stored in /home/pi/vizy/etc/users.json – passwords are hashed/encoded. You can copy users.json files between Vizys if you wish to copy accounts.